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Stoomwezen design case
Stress range according D1101 ( in Dutch )
Equivalent Pressure and Flange Leakage calculator
Computer calculation of Weldolet
Example of an automatic generated small pipespec, including a weldolet calculation
Example of an automatic generated pipespec
Local stresses in a swivel outlet
Local stresses by twisting of a circular ring (Timoshenko)
Calculation of the springrate at the connection of inner and outer pipe of jacketed system
Case study of the Stress Intensification Factor of a Bend
Case study of the Bourdon effect in a Bend
Case study of the Shear Stress distribution over the pipe circumference
Wave loadings on an offshore riser
Vortex generation in water waves
Case study of wave loadings on an offshore pipeline
Case study of Delta stretching of current flow velocity
Stress Analysis of a "veldstrekking" according code NEN3650
Soil spring calculation of a "veldstrekking" (in Dutch)
Alternating yielding assessment of buried pipelines
Shear stress analysis conform NEN3650 and ASME Section VIII
Buried pipelines and code NEN3650
Example of a complete pipe stress report using P10
Verification of Expansion Joint in P10 version 4.0
Example of a finite element calculation
Fatigue calculation
Fatigue comparison of Stoomwezen Rules with CEN
Example of a fatigue calculation with P10 stress programme
De achterkant van het gelijk
Pipe supports according to NSS-12-D-4-07
The Dutch Steam Decree 1953 and parts of D1101
Example of a continue dynamic system "Massa-veer"
Example of a simulation of a continue dynamic system "Epidemic"
Example of a simulation of a continue dynamic system "Jumping Ball"
Example of a simulation of a continue dynamic system "Chemics batch process"
Example of a simulation of a continue dynamic system "Relation between birds of pray and mice"
Example of a simulation of a continue dynamic system "Formule of the track of a bullet"
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